Together we will make a positive difference.
You are here by providence, not chance or by accident. You have found the right place if you are seeking to help others, to love your neighbor, make a difference.
We hope that you are blessed by our site knowing that God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work 2 Cor 9:9. We would be honored if you decide to partner with us through volunteering efforts or a financial contribution. We are in the early stages of forming our nonprofit and anticipate that future donations will be tax deductible. There are families in need today however, and we hope that you won’t delay to engage here and now. 100% of your donation will go towards our ongoing outreach efforts.
No portion of your gift will pay administrative or overhead expenses as those are funded by dedicated donations. We invite you to be a part of our growing foundation as we strive to improve the lives of those we are honored to serve.
Sincerely yours,
Michelle and Alexies Ramirez
Our Vision
A source of hope
Serving families and communities in the United States and the Caribbean in an effort to:
Reduce suffering related to hunger
Empower individuals with the gift of literacy
Protect vulnerable children from the trap of human trafficking
Like Incense Foundation “™” strives to empower disadvantaged communities and vulnerable families to achieve a prosperous and secure future. “The proper aim of giving is to put the recipient in a state where he no longer needs our gift.”C.S. Lewis
Our name is from a verse in Psalm 141 that likens prayer to incense set before God. Our core values are faithfulness, integrity and servant leadership. We are an organization founded in the hope and promise of Jesus Christ. Our desire is to serve others less fortunate and in so doing, honoring God. We serve all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, gender or nationality.
Ways to Help
Make a Difference
Partner with Us
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Make a Donation
Volunteer Your Time
Coming soon
Please Mail checks or Money Orders
payable to:
Like Incense Foundation
1528 Tipperary Drive
Melbourne, Florida 32940